Elliott Brown of OnPay Payroll: How To Communicate With Your Team Effectively Even If You Are Rarely In The Same Physical Space

Really ask people how they are. Often people won’t volunteer problems they’re having, and it can be a lot harder to read your team when you’re not together. In one-on-one meetings, make a point of asking your team how they’re doing in a direct and earnest way: Are you getting all the help you need? […]
Sam Levy of Oracle NetSuite: How To Communicate With Your Team Effectively Even If You Are Rarely In The Same Physical Space
Multiply good behavior: Focus on multiplying the good elements in your teams and learn how to scale this for maximum success. The more you reinforce good habits and team dynamics, the more you diminish the negatives that can come with working in a physically distant environment. When I see something that works, I communicate it widely. […]
Howard Sublett of Scrum Alliance: How To Communicate With Your Team Effectively Even If You Are Rarely In The Same Physical Space
Make online communication about something more than just work. Allow time for people to get to know each other in ways that would happen organically if we were all together in a physical space. One of our teams does a weekly “Humans on Our Team” Zoom meeting. They spend 15 minutes together on a Miro […]
Sean Kramer of the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation: How To Communicate With Your Team Effectively Even If You Are Rarely In The Same Physical Space
Maintain the Pulse of the Organization — Without connecting with individual team members to understand what’s happening in their lives, we formed a sunshine committee to celebrate life moments. For example, we learned recently that a team member had a close relative in the hospital. The sunshine committee immediately worked to send the family a small […]
Tricia Sciortino of BELAY: How To Communicate With Your Team Effectively Even If You Are Rarely In The Same Physical Space
We have our KPIs, metrics, and goals for our team members. These are relatively standard. But being virtual, we make sure our expectations are clear and explicit as they are paramount to our success. They include very specific parameters around availability, productivity and meetings. Video conferencing is mandatory, for example, and emails require a reply […]
The Future of Communication Technology: Ben Forgan of Hologram On How Their Technological Innovation Will Shake Up How We Connect and Communicate With Each Other
Hire for what’s coming next. Hiring the right people is critical and you need to hire for what’s next — your next stage — not for what you immediately need. Spend more time on product development upfront. You cannot cut corners on this. Be very thoughtful on how you capitalize your business. In general, you […]
Patrick Ward of Rootstrap: How To Communicate With Your Team Effectively Even If You Are Rarely In The Same Physical Space
Take care of mental health with no pressure of social catchups Focus on task completion rather than hours available Make sure to have a healthy work-life balance Be transparent with project management (Trello is your friend) Don’t just rely on text communication — Loom videos & voice messages can create quick mutual understanding, especially when […]
The Future of Communication Technology: Craig Walker of Dialpad On How Their Technological Innovation Will Shake Up How We Connect and Communicate With Each Other
Culture is incredibly important. If you’re starting a company, you should have a point of view around the type of company you want to create. I want to have a super hard working, fast, scrappy and smart culture where everybody is motivated to create amazing products and to treat our customers, partners and co-workers really […]
Peter Dudley: How To Communicate With Your Team Effectively Even If You Are Rarely In The Same Physical Space
Create intentional team time on a reliable cadence. Everyone hates staff meetings, but that’s because when you’re all in the same space all the time, staff meetings feel redundant and wasteful. When you’re remote, however, most interaction is project or task based; our only real connection to feeling part of a whole team might be […]
Scott Richards of designDATA: How To Communicate With Your Team Effectively Even If You Are Rarely In The Same Physical Space
Avoid the temptation to micromanage! Not being able to physically see your employees regularly can make you feel nervous, but it’s really important to trust your staff and ensure they feel trusted. I recently delegated a large project to one of my employees, and while I often had the urge to check-in on every task […]